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SP Coast Division, Monterey Branch

The railroad models the Southern Pacific Coast division in 1941 and is designed and built for operations. It resides in a purpose-built 24' X36' building, with a double deck lift gate for easy egress. The railroad is double-decked, with the Southern Pacific Coast Division from Gilroy to Salinas on the lower deck and the Monterey Branch on the upper deck. The decks are connected by a single- track 5 level, custom built hidden helix that is equipped with sensors to indicate the location of a train.

The layout has a 12 track staging yard. Each track is a through track, with the South representing King City/San Luis Obispo/Los Angeles and the North end representing San Jose/ San Francisco /Roseville.

The layout currently has 100% of the track in place. 66 FastTrack turnouts have been built and installed. Turnouts are Fast Tracks ~118 (73 done, 45 left). Scenery has just started but most scenes are mocked up with models and temporary structures.

The layout is NCE DCC controlled with wireless throttles, and hand thrown turnouts. Dispatching is done using TT&TO over telephones. Concise documentation of all train operations is provided to assist operators in stepping into a new job.

Crew positions:1 dispatcher, 2 Train Order Operators, 3 yard men, 5 train operator. Emphasis is on switching, yards and towns

Dave's Website is Southern Pacific Coast Division Monterey Branch

Note this layout is about 80 miles from the hotel but much of the ride is through beautiful "Steinbeck Country" that will be brilliant green following this winter's rains!

Modified 12/12/2024